23 maart
A series of 3 films about conflict and peacebuilding in Sub-Sahara Africa
Join us! Fill in the online registration form(link is external).
In March 2017 elections will be held in the Netherlands. During the campaigns issues of extremism of all sorts, ethnicity and, the role of social media will be addressed. What are possible lessons to be learnt from Sub-Saharan Africa experiences regarding these issues? During three evenings you are invited to watch and reflect on three short films about religious extremism in Nigeria and interethnic struggles after elections in Kenya. How do African religious leaders build bridges of trust in times of interreligious and interethnic chaos and distress? The third movie is about the positive role of social media at the grass roots level in Kenya in promoting justice for all. What are the lessons for Europe?
Film ‘An African Answer’ | grassroots peacebuilding in conflict situation with interethnic connotations
The protagonists in the previous session’s film, Imam Ashafa and Pastor James, were invited to Kenya to mediate between tribesmen who fought each other in post-election violence in 2007. The film ‘An African Answer’ captures this masterclass in mediation, in which they employ all the experience they gained through their work in Nigeria.
Below you find the programme of the evening:
18.00 – 18.30 An African meal* and a short introduction to the film
18.30 – 19.15 Watching the film ‘An African Answer’
19:15 – 19.30 Reflection on the film in pairs
19.30 – 20.00 Lessons learnt and closing
*You can order a meal through the online form or bring your own.
Costs and registration
Please register for this event through our online form(link is external). You can bring your own food or order an African (vegetarian and halal) meal through the online form(link is external) for €5. On top of this amount your donations to Initiatives of Change are gratefully accepted.
Online reserveren is niet mogelijk voor dit evenement.